How do I find out what classes on-campus and external studies are available? On the VES website under the “Academic” menu there is an “Academic Calendar” link that lists upcoming on-campus courses for the year. The available External Studies courses can be viewed under the “External Studies” menu where there is a “Register for Distance Education Courses” link describing the courses. This course listing is identical to the courses offered online through streaming video (VESO).
What are Module courses and when can I register? Most classes are offered in a traditional semester schedule however VES offers some of their classes in an intensive one-week modular format. A Module class meets for only one week, Monday through Friday from 6:00pm to 10:30pm on campus, and on Saturday meets from 9:00am to 5:30pm. After this one-week in-class portion is complete, you then have 14 additional weeks to complete all exams and assignments at your own pace. You can register for a course at any time either through our website or calling the Seminary, though we prefer your register at least one week prior to the class start date.
Is there a required order for taking classes? No, but there are three exceptions. First, biblical language courses must be taken in order. For example, Biblical Greek I must be completed prior to enrolling for Biblical Greek II. Second, RW499 Research Methods and Technology Skills is required as your first seminary course so you can be familiarized with how to do theological research. Third, though you may begin researching for your thesis at any time during your program, you may submit your thesis at the beginning of your final semester prior to graduation. You can identify which courses you need in order to complete your degree/certificate program using the Graduation Worksheet located under the “Information” menu on the VES website, then select “Forms” to obtain the worksheet.
How do I register for my on-campus, distance education, and online courses?
To register for an on-campus course, go to the “Academics” menu, select the “Upcoming Courses” link at the top of the page.
To register for a distance education course go the “External Studies” menu, then select “Begin your Distance Learning Education” link.
To register for an online streaming video course use the user name and password issued to you on your acceptance letter to access Veritas Evangelical Seminary Online (VESO). Then follow the appropriate links. You can access VESO either through the “External Studies” menu, then select “Begin your Distance Learning Education”.
Can I take a combination of on-campus and external courses? Yes, all students may take a combination of external and residential courses. However, students residing within 50 miles of the Main campus are limited in the amount of external courses that can be taken. A resident student may take no more than
three external study courses leading to the master’s degree, and no more than four external study courses leading to the M.Div. External students may take as many residential courses as they wish.
Can I transfer previous coursework into VES? Yes, all graduate level (Masters degree) coursework may be evaluated by the VES Registrar for transfer into your VES degree program. VES may accept up to half of the VES degree program in credits earned from other accredited schools (or equivalent). For example, the VES M.Div. program consists of 93 units, you may transfer in up to 46.5 units of course credit.
What books do I need? The Academic Calendar on the VES web site lists the required books for each on- campus course. Each distance education course has the required books listed along with the course name at the “Upcoming Courses” link under the “Academic” tab.
Where do I get my books? Though each on-campus student is responsible for obtaining and purchasing their own textbooks (not from VES), most distance education students may purchase their books through VES or through other retailers such as:
Spring of Life Bookstore (located on VES Campus)
How long do I have to complete a degree? The timeframes differ for each degree program. Each of these timeframes are covered in the VES Catalog under Timeframe for Degree/Certificate Completion.
How many courses should I enroll in at a time? VES is set up on a one-week modular schedule (i.e. Monday through Saturday approximately 32 hours; except for biblical language courses which are 12 weeks and are approximately 48 hours in length) with on-campus classes meeting once or twice a month. If you take 12 classes a year (or enroll in a new course every month) it would be roughly the equivalent of 18 units every six months. If you enroll in one course every other month (6 courses every year), this would be equivalent to 9 units per semester.
Where can I find guidance on writing research papers? All thesis and research papers must be written in the latest edition of Turabian style/format. For assistance with this style format you can read the latest edition of Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations and/or download the “VES Turabian Helper” located under the “Information” menu, then select “Forms” to access the link. In addition, the RW499 Research Methods and Technology Skills course will familiarize you to research, use various technological research tools, and familiarize you on how to write a research paper. If you still have questions, you may contact your Academic Student Advisor-Counselor (see contacts below)
What’s available in our Library for research? The searchable VES/CCBC library offers over 20,000 physical books that you can check out and nearly 80,000+ electronic sources (i.e. full-text books and journals, DVDs, MP3s, Video lectures, etc) and research databases (e.g. EBSCO Host, ProQuest, BAS Archives, etc) onThe William E. Nix Electronic Library (TWENEL). TWENEL can be accessed from the VES library web page with a user name and password. In addition, electronic research tools (e.g. Logos software) and computer workstations are available to students.
Is there an affordable way to purchase Bible software? Yes, Logos Bible Software has arranged for VES students to receive a 30% discount on all Logos software and additions. These may be purchased from Logos via our school account.
Who can I talk to for help? Though the entire VES administration and staff can assist you in whatever your need may be, your Academic Student Advisor/Counselor would be the most appropriate person to contact (see contact information below)
President: Dr. Joseph Holden – [email protected]
Chancellor: Dr. Norman Geisler – [email protected]
Academic Dean: Prof. Joel Wingo – [email protected]
MDIV Director Dr. David Miller – [email protected]
MACA Director: Dr. Mark Hannah – [email protected]
MABS Director: Dr. Forrest Weiland – [email protected]
MATS Director: Dr. William Nix – [email protected]
Director of External Studies: Dr. Scott Matscherz – [email protected]
Assistant Director of External Studies/Assistant Registrar: Ms. Wendy Bonilla – [email protected]
Webmaster/IT Manager: Mr. Daniel Montoya – [email protected]
Financial Aid: Mr. Bud Barela and Mrs. Kathy Barela– [email protected]
Accounting Manager: Mrs. Stacy Merrill – [email protected]
Student Services/Business Manager: Ms. Deborah DeLargy – [email protected]
Registrar/Admissions: Ms. Vanessa Acosta – [email protected]
Academic Student Advisor/Counselor/Institutional Effectiveness: Mr. Frank J. Correa – [email protected]
(951) 966.1395
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