Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (M.A.B.S.)
The Master/Certificate of Biblical Studies (M.A.B.S./C.B.S.) course of study is a 66 unit course of study that may be completed in as little as two (2) years, but is designed for 42 months of full time study (9 units per semester). This program builds upon the core requirements offered in the M.A.T.S. degree. This is accomplished by adding 30 units of biblical studies courses involving the study of the original biblical languages (Hebrew and Greek), hermeneutics, three Old and/or New Testament book studies, and understanding the interaction between the Christian gospel in light of culture and linguistics. This route is designed for those individuals who seek to be prepared to lead and teach the Scriptures in the church such as pastors, para-church leaders, or for those engaged in other ministry related activities. The Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (M.A.B.S.) degree is ideal for those pastors, or lay persons who do not have previous formal training in the original languages.
The course of study objectives are:
1. To prepare the student to teach the Scriptures in the church or other ministry venue.
2. To prepare the student to research and write in a manner that is hermeneutically and theologically sound.
The following courses comprise the 66 units of the M.A.B.S. route:
OT515 Old Testament Survey (3 units)
NT500 The New Testament in its Jewish and Greco-Roman Contexts or OT505 Intro to the Dead Sea Scrolls (3 units)
NT510 Jesus and the Early Church: The Gospels and Acts (3 units)
NT520 Paul and the Later Church: The NT Letters and Revelation (3 units)
NT530 New Testament Research & Methodology (3 units)
TH520 Bibical Hermeneutics (3 units)
TH530 Prolegomena and Bibliology (3 units)
TH540 Theology Proper and Creation (3 units)
TH550 Christology and Pneumatology (3 units)
TH560 Hamartiology and Soteriology (3 units)
TH570 Ecclesiology and Eschatology (3 units)
TH580 Historical Theology (3 units)
AP501 Introduction to Christian Apologetics (3 units)
OT500 Ancient Near Eastern Contexts for the Old Testament (3 units)
Old and/or New Testament Book Study (9 units)
BLH501/502 Biblical Hebrew I and II (6 units)
BLG501/502 Biblical Greek I and II (6 units)
RW501 Thesis Research and Writing or One Elective (3 units)
RW499 Research Methods and Technology Skills (P/F)
CM501/502/503Church/Mission Experience I, II, III (P/F)
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